Attendance, Conduct, & Good Standing Policy<– PDF File
The Regional Flagship Language Initiative (RFLI) courses are academically rigorous and demanding. Students must have personal discipline, commitment, and implement time management skills to complete their summer course successfully.
RFLI courses cover a year’s worth of material in 8 weeks. Attending class is vital due to the amount of content covered in a single day. Students are expected to participate and engage with course material during all scheduled class times and actively participate in all aspects of the learning process. Attendance is considered mandatory.
Occasionally, students will have reasonable cause to miss class. ‘Excused absences’ include verifiable medical or family emergencies, illness, or a catastrophic emergency resulting in unavoidable absence. Students are expected to block off time for their classes and program add-ons and make sure no other commitments conflict with those times.
RFLI Attendance Policy:
It is the policy of RFLI that students are expected to attend class every day during the summer due to the intensive nature of the classes. Students with extenuating circumstances must discuss the situation with their instructor and with RFLI administrative staff. Absences, other than illness, will be worked out on a case-by-case basis. Vacation is not a valid excuse for a student to have an extended absence. If a student misses class, it is their responsibility to make up the work and to keep up with the other students in the class.
The tardiness and absence policy of your instructor may be stricter than the policy listed below and will supersede the RFLI policies. Please refer to the syllabus of your class for any adjustments to the policies.
RFLI’s policies regarding tardiness and absence are as follows:
Arriving to class on time is important for successful participation in the RFLI program. Being late to class is disruptive and disrespectful to one’s instructor(s) and classmates and could result in a marked absence or grade deduction.
Up to 30 minutes late (habitual tardiness of less than 30 minutes may also be considered a violation):
1st time = warning
2nd time = referred to RFLI staff/possible grade deduction
1st unexcused absence = warning + referred to RFLI staff
2nd unexcused absence = grade deduction for that semester + referred to RFLI staff
3 or more absences in a semester = will result in automatic failure of the course. Must speak with either the RFLI program director or RFLI program coordinator to discuss how to proceed.
Things to note:
- An unexcused absence is any absence with no prior approval from the instructor. Unanticipated medical/other emergencies may require additional documentation and approval from RFLI administration to be considered “excused.”
- Unexcused absences on days of exams, projects, presentations, etc. will lead to failure of that coursework. There will be no make-ups of exams, projects, presentations, etc. due to unexcused absence.