Attendance, Conduct, & Good Standing Agreement

By signing this document, you signify that you have read the attendance, conduct, and good standing criteria and agree to abide by the rules and policies of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Regional Flagship Language Initiatives program.

File: Attendance-Conduct-Good-Standing-Policy-Fillable.pdf

Sign and submit the RFLI Attendance, Conduct, and Good Standing Agreement by May 30, 2024 to / /

By signing this document, you signify that you have read the attendance, conduct, and good standing criteria and agree to abide by the rules and policies of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Regional Flagship Language Initiatives program.

Insurance Waiver Agreement

Signing the Insurance Waiver Agreement signifies that you are opting not to purchase the health insurance as you already have a comprehensive private health insurance plan spanning the length of the RFLI Summer Program.

File: Insurance-Waiver-Agreement-2024-Fillable.pdf

If you are currently insured, you must email the insurance card/policy that states your name. If you are on your parent’s plan and only their name is on the insurance card/policy, we need proof that the policy allows dependents

RFLI Dietary Form

The Dietary Form will help RFLI staff when ordering food for summer program events. List your food allergies and dietary restrictions for health and/or religious reasons.

File: RFLI_Dietary-Form-Fillable.pdf

The Dietary Form will help RFLI staff when ordering food for summer program events. List your food allergies and dietary restrictions for health and/or religious reasons.

Please let me know if you have any allergies and/or dietary restrictions (i.e., vegetarian, halal, gluten free, tree nut allergy, etc.).

If you do not have restrictions, please respond with “none”. It helps to hear from everyone on this.

Send your completed form to / / by May 30, 2024